Friday, June 12, 2009

Trying to catch up...What kind of adult am I??

Okay, so I have to admit that I have a thousand of excuses that I did not get the book...I could blame the library, my limited income, my kids which prevent me from getting out, but then I would fall into the victim category that is described on page 27 and possibly the irresponsible adult that forgets that "we shall all give an account to God for our lives (2 Corinthians 5:10)" (pg. 26). So, out of fear that I will be a victim or even irresponsible I will politely apologize for not getting the book sooner and will decide to take the initiative (pg. 29) and actually read the book. This is a book for our kids, right...a book about parenting?

Anyway, I have appreciated reading about the types of adults that kids become when they do not understand boundaries. As I hinted at earlier, I feel like I am an irresponsible victim with very little initiative. What a great description, huh? I find it a daunting task to realize who I am, my weakness, and then to train my children in a way that they will not fall into the same sinful patterns that I so often exhibit. Lord, have mercy!

So, with all this "tall order" (pg. 36) of parenting at hand, I look forward to reading the rest of the long as my responsible side wins!

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't the book make you think so much about what kind of adult you are?! Seriously, the only person I'm responsible for is me....but I have to read it in a book, in the words you'd say to a toddler/preschooler/child, to "get it"! Ha!

    Glad you got the book, Sarah! I'm many chapters in, but have not posted. And Michelle, where are you? You started this blog! ha ha, I'm just teasing you....but school's out now, so expectations are higher. ;) I'm really glad you picked this book. The ideas are really helping Colin and me to parent with diligence and purpose. Thanks for suggesting it!
